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(ebook) Digital Photography Techniques - Autumn 2010

English | PDF | 101 pages | 43.5Mb

Sebagai seorang fotografer yang haus akan penetahuan teknologi kamera dslr, baca ebook ini yang berjudul  Digital Photography Techniques - Autumn 2010 yang akan menambah pengetahuan serta kepiawaian dalam hal memotret.
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(ebook) Digital Photography Techniques - Autumn 2009

Digital Photography Techniques features the most handy hints and tips on how to shoot quality pictures and improve your camera and digital imaging skills and is brought to you by the teams behind the highly respected What Digital Camera and Amateur Photographer magazines. (PDF | 107 pages | 39.4Mb)
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[ebook] Digital Photography Techniques - Autumn 2008 | Free

 Pada kesempatan kali ini kami memberikan sebuah ebook tentang teknik Digital Photography. Sangat dibutuhkan oleh photografer..sebagai pembelajaran dan referensi. Ebook ini sangat cocok sekali untuk dimiliki. Ebook ini berjudul Digital Photography Techniques - Autumn 2008. (PDF format, 24312 KB)

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9) David D. Busch. Digital Photography and Imaging. Coriolis, 2002. PDF
10) David D. Busch. Digital Photography Solutions. Muska & Lipman, 2003. PDF
11) David D. Busch. Mastering Digital SLR Photography. Thomson, 2005. PDF
12) Davies A. Close-Up and Macro Photography. Focal Press, 2010. PDF
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26) John Hedgecoe. The Book of Photography. Dorling Kindersley, 2005. PDF
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3) Marketable Photography Guide 2008. ShutterPoint, 2008. PDF
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2) Lovegrove D. The Complete Guide to Professional Wedding Photography. Focal Press, 2007. PDF
3) Schaub G. Professional techniques for the wedding photographer. Amphoto, 1985. PDF


Mastering Digital Photography, Second Edition

By David D. Busch
Publisher: Course Technology
Pub Date: 2006
ISBN: 1-59863-017-2
Pages: 432

Coverage includes—
David D. Busch has been demystifying arcane computer and imaging technology since the early 1980s. However, he had a successful career as a professional photographer for a decade before he sat down at the keyboard of his first personal computer. Busch has worked as a newspaper photographer, done commercial studio and portrait work, shot weddings, and roved the United States and Europe as a photojournalist. His articles on photography and image editing have appeared in magazines as diverse as Popular Photography and Imaging, Petersen's PhotoGraphic, Rangefinder, and The Professional Photographer, as well as computer magazines such as Macworld and Computer Shopper. He's currently reviewing digital cameras for CNet and Computer Shopper.
Full-color book with excellent illustrations.
Written by a working photographer and well-known author in the digital photography field.
Full-color images clearly illustrate each hands-on lesson.
 *(Referensi yang sangat berguna untuk belajar serta mengetahui digital camera   serta tehnik fotografi.)

 Part I: Your Lean, Mean Pixel Machine

is the nuts-and-bolts portion of the book, with everything you need to know to make the transition from serious film-oriented photographer (or even just a snapshooter) to digital imaging proficiency. The first part gets you started making great digital images with your camera. You'll learn how to choose your equipment and operate the basic controls.
*lebih lanjut mengenai pixel camera digital , format file ( jpeg,tiff,raw ),key file format,exposure,focus,sequencing,inside digital camera dll.

Part II: Techniques Unlimited
In this section, the focus will be entirely on photography, looking at techniques you can use to get great action photos, people pictures, close-ups, scenics, architectural shots, and travel images. You'll learn pro tips that will separate your images from the pack. If you find that most digital photography books offer more about digital technology and image editing than they do about photography, you'll enjoy the chapters that follow.
 we'll get into the digital photography techniques that will spark your imagination and get your creative juices working overtime.

*Membahas  beberapa tehnik fotografi, posing,shooting,lighting,editing. Cukup lengkap.

Udah gak sabaran :) ok, download link berikut. 100 % free...

untuk download Ebook photography yang lain, lihat Photography Free Ebook

The Art of Digital Photography

The Art of Digital Photography
by : John Hedgecoe
PDF – 292 Pages – Year 2006 – English

Buku ini menggunakan pendekatan visual untuk pengajaran seni fotografi digital. Garis besarnya, menempatkan teknik dan pendekatan yang diuraikan dalam teks kedalam praktek dan mudah-mudahan akan bertindak sebagai inspirasi untuk pekerjaan Anda sendiri. Sebagian besar foto diambil dengan menggunakan Olympus E1 dan Hasselblad H1D kamera digital. Dan beberapa hasil scan dari slide-slide untuk menunjukkan bahwa bahkan untuk foto tua sekalipun bisa menikmati hidup baru di era digital.

Buku ini dibagi menjadi tiga bagian. Yang pertama berkisar pada komposisi - bagaimana mengatur subjek dalam batas-batas foto. Bagian kedua melihat bagaimana pencahayaan bisa mengubah subjek biasa menjadi sebuah karya seni. Akhirnya, kita melihat pada mata pelajaran inti dan gaya yang paling sering ditangani oleh fotografer.

more detail, link the art of digital photography

untuk download Ebook photography yang lain, lihat  Photography Free Ebook

Photography Free EBook

Photography Ebook
Untuk belajar fotografi, baca ebook ini, and I find it very useful. Enjoy   :)

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